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API Usage

The API Usage provides a comprehensive overview of various endpoints available for managing user interactions, authentication, wallet transactions, and reward systems within the platform. Each endpoint includes a description and usage details, enabling developers to effectively integrate and utilize these functionalities in their applications.

API EndpointDescriptionUsage
PUT /s2s/loyalty/rewardable-eventsRegister or update rewardable events in the game.Create new events or update existing ones for the reward system.
GET /s2s/loyalty/rewardable-events?isActive=trueRetrieve a list of active rewardable events.Get information about currently active rewardable events created by the game developer.
GET /s2s/loyalty/rewardable-events/{eventID}Retrieve details of a specific rewardable event.Obtain comprehensive details about a particular rewardable event.
DELETE /s2s/loyalty/rewardable-events/{eventID}Delete a specific rewardable event.Remove a rewardable event from the system.
POST /fe/users/auth/otp/registerRegister a user for authentication using a one-time password (OTP).Initiate the user registration process for OTP-based authentication.
POST /fe/users/auth/otp/resendResend the one-time password (OTP) for user authentication.Resend the OTP to the user for authentication or verification purposes.
POST /fe/users/auth/otp/verifyVerify the one-time password (OTP) submitted by the user.Verify the OTP provided by the user for authentication or verification.
GET /fe/wallet/balanceRetrieve the balance details from the user's wallet.Obtain information about the user's wallet balance and related attributes.
GET /fe/wallet/transactionsRetrieve a list of transactions associated with the user's wallet.Get a detailed view of all transactions related to the user's wallet.
POST /fe/wallet/withdrawTransfer the user's earned balance from the custodian wallet to their non-custodian wallet.Handle transactions within the platform for withdrawing earned balance.
POST /s2s/sessionCreate an KGeN-specific session for a gamer.Establish a secure session for the gamer within the gaming application.
POST /fe/loyalty/event-reward-user-claims/events/{eventID}Create a reward for a user when they achieve a specific event.Record rewards for specific events when users achieve corresponding milestones.
GET /fe/loyalty/event-reward-user-claims/userRetrieve all rewards earned by a gamer.Obtain a comprehensive list of rewards earned by the gamer throughout their gaming journey.
POST /fe/users/k-store/generate-redirect-uriRedirect URI for a specific user to the k-store.Obtain a redirect URI for a specific user to k-store.
POST /fe/analytics/px-tracker/events/{eventID}/dropDrop specific event.Remove the specified event from the events.
GET /fe/users/account/linked-mobile-numberRetrieve linked mobile number of user.Retrieves the linked mobile number associated with the user.