📄️ API Usage
This documentation outlines the key API endpoints available for managing user interactions within the platform. Each endpoint is designed to facilitate essential operations, from session management and tournament participation to wallet transactions and user authentication. Below is a table detailing each API endpoint, its description, and when to use it, helping developers effectively integrate these functionalities into their applications.
📄️ User Session Endpoints
The User Session Endpoint facilitates the management of gamer sessions within the system. This API allows developers to create or retrieve the session context for users, ensuring personalized and consistent experiences in gaming applications.
📄️ Tournaments Endpoints
The Tournaments Endpoints provides a comprehensive suite of functions for managing and participating in esports tournaments. This API allows players to join or leave tournaments, update scores, retrieve tournament details, and access leaderboards.
📄️ Rewards Endpoints
The Rewards Endpoints facilitates the management of user rewards within the platform. This API allows users to retrieve information about their claimable rewards and to claim those rewards as they achieve various milestones.
📄️ Wallet Endpoints
The Wallet Endpoints enable users to manage their wallet transactions on the platform. They offer functionality for checking wallet balances, retrieving transaction history, and initiating withdrawals.
📄️ OTP Endpoints
The OTP Endpoints facilitates secure user authentication and verification through One Time Passwords (OTPs). This API allows to request, verify, and resend OTPs, enhancing security during account registration and login processes.
📄️ Miscellaneous Endpoints
The Miscellaneous Endpoints provides various functionalities that enhance user experience and system analytics. These endpoints include retrieving historical participation statistics, getting linked mobile number, tracking event drops for analytics, and generating redirect URIs.